Sunday, September 8, 2013

Talkin' 'Bout My Inner Motivation

I admit. I am a phone junkie.

I love all the options I have for my phone! I can shoot ZOMBIES! I can track how many miles I've walked! I can listen to any music in the world! Whoa!!

But apps aren't what make me happy, it's my own personal drive and commitment...

I was the one who originally sought out happiness to begin with. Even if I have apps, it's my choice whether I continue to use them or not.

Like many other apps, it inspires me to improve but the motivation really comes from within. I like the fact that I can compare my goals to the goals of my friends! Either way you look at it, Runkeeper is a positive experience.

A Challenge (For lack of another term) Designed by the AMAZING Jane McGonigal
Jane McGonigal's memorable TEDtalk presentation will never leave my mind! Her struggle from a brain injury is so inspirational, and her SuperBetter app is beyond! 


Just keeping up with womanly goings-on is annoying. This app is really helpful! I've been using it now for about 4 years. Really worth it if you are just looking for tracking your cycle! 

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