Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Everlasting GOPstopper

          The Daily Caller reports some interesting changes occurring in the GOP, where republicans have set themselves up for what they hope will be a more successful campaign for the 2016 presidential election. The article states that the presently divided weakness between the gubernatorial wing and the federal wing in the GOP only increases its chances of failure in future elections.  Some of the major changes that the Republican National Committee’s Growth and Opportunity Project released suggested that the party should learn how to attract “Hispanics, blacks, Asian Americas [sic], women and the youth.” Another element of this proposal is a planned reduction in “televised showdowns,” reducing air time by fifty percent.
          What I picture in my head is something close to the evil Dr. Doofenshmirz from the cartoon Phineas and Ferb, where the evil scientist tries to create things that specifically cater to his needs, and no one else’s.  I guess I find it rather disgusting that the same party that wishes for strict immigration laws wants to draw in those particular people to their side of the court.  It doesn’t make sense!  The GOP wishes to gain the vote from the very people that they marginalize.  I’m not sure I understand this line of reasoning.  

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