Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Killer Bees in Glendale, CA? YOU be the judge!

Now that I have some great new walking shoes, I've had the opportunity to actually enjoy my walks again! I'm pretty nerdy when it comes to nature-y things, so I was pretty intrigued when I nearly stumbled upon a new beehive. I guess my reaction was at first dumbfounded, then I sort of shrieked a little. I then realized, "Holy shit! These things might sting me! Oh my god!" So, being the irrational fear-driven person that I am, I proceeded to walk away slowly with my mouth covered, having been given no indication that these bees were dangerous and were going to come after my face. Hey, I've seen so many documentaries and television shows where people get bees in their mouths. That just won't do for me.
Anyway, here's a video of what I found tonight after they were all snuggled in for the night.

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